Teaching Philosophy

Singing is a complex coordination of breathing, phonation, resonation and articulation, overlaid with musical and performance layers. This process needs to be guided by an instructor who is knowledgeable in the vocal processes and anatomy, as well vocal styles and performance.

Vocal development progresses as the body strengthens and growing musical skills demand more from the vocal instrument. With proper guidance and that valuable "extra ear" that I can provide, we'll work together to find your true voice. This voice works freely to express the musical and emotional demands of the literature, allowing the joy of performance to burst free.

I subscribe to the philosopies of Jeannette Lovetri's Somatic Voicework™ The LoVetri Method, which state:

Please contact Barbara Scanlon by email (barbjscanlon@gmail.com) for more information.

© 2016 Barbara Scanlon    barbjscanlon@gmail.com